17 May 2017

Elementary Listening: Describing people

Good evering Elementary I students!

This is the listening exercise we are going to do tomorrow:

Listening: Describing people

See you!



Good evening!

Yesterday you told me you were interested in practicing rephrasing at home.

Here you can find hundreds of exercises!

Rephrasing activities

See you tomorrow!!



Hello everyone!

It's a pleasure for us telling you what is going to be the trip we have prepared with enthusiasm to finish this fantastic year!

Here I attach the poster. If you are interested in attending it you only have to talk with me in class or by email. 

See you tomorrow in class!!



10 May 2017

Grammar: The Passive Voice


Structure: Subject + auxiliar verb to be + past participle

We must take into account: 

  1. The CO in the active sentence is the subject in the passive sentence. 
  2. The main verb is substituted by the verb to be in the same tense, and the main verb is the past participle. 
  3. The subject in the main sentence is the CA in the passive. 
  4. If we want to say who does the action we have to introduce it using "by".
Online activities: 

What do you do every day?

GRAMMAR: Past Simple

Good evening Elementary II Students!

Yestarday we learnt how to build the Past Simple tense and the past of the verb To be. You can see them in the following charts. 

In this post I have also attached some links where you can find activities in order to refresh this tense. 

Past Simple - Verbs
Past Simple Affimative Activities
Past Simple Negative
Past Simple Mixed Activities

See you tomorrow!

Have a nice day!


4 May 2017

Intermediate discussion: Life in Prison


  • How do you think a real prison is like?
  • What can a prisioner do on a typical day?
  • What do you know about the cells, food, facilities, activities for prisoners?
  • Do prisons have any ‘advantages’?
  • What disadvantages can you think of?
  • What alternative to prisons can you think of?
  • Can crime be prevented or is it inherent to human nature?
  • Have you heard of programmes like restorative justice (where the criminal comes face to face with the victim)?
  • Does justice change much from one country to another?

Taken from: http://mythatsenglish.blogspot.com.es/search/label/Justice

Grammar: Question Tags

Good afternoon Intermediate Students!

Today if we have enough time, we will review this interesting grammar point: "Question Tags". 

Are you familiar with these questions? 

Here I am going to leave a couple of charts which I will use in order to give you examples. 

Also I attach some links where you can find useful activities to refresh it. 

Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4

See you later!


3 May 2017

Present Simple

Hi Elementary I Students!

Tomorrow we are going to learn  the Present Simple tense, that is why I attach some links where you can practice this strructure.

Present Simple 1

Present Simple 2.

Present Simple 3

Present Simple 4

See you tomorrow!


Video: A Brave New World