23 Mar 2015




The concept of time is an important cultural aspect that is worth noting to avoid misunderstandings when people from different cultural backgrounds work together.
The attitude of English speakers towards time schedules is usually one of respect.  Time schedules are kept, so if there is a meeting, an interview, or a social event, they expect it to begin and end at the scheduled time.  No matter how much time in advance they have been arranged, they are supposed to be kept.  Consequently it is not necessary to confirm a meeting or a deadline previously set.  Other cultures are far more flexible in this respect.
English speakers plan their activities carefully in advance, so they also expect appointments to be kept.  Therefore, a last minute cancellation is ‘unthinkable’.

Source:  English for secretaries and administrative personnel.  Student’s book.
Ed. McGrawHill

- In your country,  is it acceptable to arrive late?  In what circumstances?
- Is it the same for business and personal appointments?  How late is ‘acceptable’?
-  How punctual are you for appointments, dates, work?  Give reasons for being late.
-  What is your attitude with respect to deadlines?
-  Are appointments set in advance usually kept in your country?

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