14 Sept 2016

WE START NEW TOPIC 'Sports and Hobbies'

We are going to start our last topic this year.  As holidays are coming soon and possibly you will have plenty of time to practise some kind of sport or to dedicate to one of your favourite hobbies, let's speak and let's work a bit about 'Sports and Hobbies'.
I propose two possible tasks to do at class in small groups:
  • Choose a hobby or a sport you would like to know or to practise, look for information about it and write a report explaining to the class everything you want.  It could have a brief description, the needed material or equipment, the possible venues to practise it, some basic rules, and many other things.  

  • Find a curious hobby or sport and let us know about it. You can structure it more or less in the same way as the previous one and you can also trace the origin of it, enclose some photograph or video and so on.  It would be good to try to encourage the rest of the students to practise it.

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