29 Mar 2017

ESSAY: Pollution in the big cities by Pili García


      Every year, in Spain, there are more than thirty thousands early deaths because of the pollution. Also, it has increased the number of respiratory problems, so, what can we do to reduce this pollution?

      To find an answer we must make a question: Why does pollution exist?
      The first cause of the problem is the traffic, specially, in the very big cities. People usually use the car for everything: for going to work, for going to school, for going shopping, for going on holidays. In addition, most of the families have more than a car. So the number of vehicles is constantly increasing. 

      Another cause of pollution are the smokes from the factories.
One of the consequences of this is that there is, sometimes no control about the smokes the factories expell to the air or to the water. 

      In conclusion, if we want to reduce the pollution in Spain, we need to take actions. One possible solution would be to make awareness about the use of the car. How? Using the car only if it is necessary, using the public transport instead of driving, motivating people for going to work by bycicle, reducing the number of old vehicles (with twenty years or more), because they are very contaminant. 

     In addtion the factories must stop expelling smokes above the allowed level and if they do not do it, they will have to be punished. 

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