3 May 2015


 Letter of application and CV

            The first step in applying for a job is to send a CV (résumé) and letter of application (cover letter).  The CV is a more ‘generic advertisement’ for yourself.  The letter of application is a way to tailor your application to each specific job.  You can use your résumé over and over again to apply for different jobs, but your letter of application must be specific to each job you are applying for.  The purpose of your CV and its cover letter is to give a prospective employer all the information he or she needs to decide whether or not you will reach the next phase in the application process:  the interview.
Parts in a Cover letter:  Introduction, Body (personal details, education, work experience, why you are a good candidate for the job) and Closing.
            The Curriculum Vitae (CV) or résumé is a written account for a person’s education and employment history.  The information must be brief but as complete as possible.  A CV always includes a heading, an education section (most recent first), and a list of work experience (most recent first).  If you have room or it is relevant to the job, include additional information such as languages spoken, interests, references, special skills (computer programs, other languages) or hobbies.

Parts in a CV:  Personal Details, Education, Experience and Additional Information.

Source:  English for secretaries and administrative personnel.  Student’s book.
Ed. McGrawHill

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