25 Apr 2017

Guess who

Good morning Elementary I Students!

Today in class we are going to play Guess who!This activity will help us to review physical descriptions (vocabulary as well as grammar structures)

Have fun!!


24 Apr 2017


Good afternoon!

In this post I attach three kahoot links for the Elementary I,  Elementary II and Advanced Students. 

We will play tomorrow in class :)

Kahoot: To be vs Have got

Kahoot: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
Kahoot: Vocabulary revision

See you!!



19 Apr 2017

Online reading comprehension activities

Hi again!

I was surfing on the web and I have just come across to an interesting web page where you can find different graded reading comprehension activities. 

I attach you the links, I believe they can be very useful! :)

Elementary reading comprehension activities
Pre - Intermediate reading comprehension activities
Intermediate reading comprehension activities
Advanced reading comprehension activities

See you!!!

Kisses and hugs


Describing a friend

Describing a friend


Her name is Ana. She is 40 years old. She is from Villanueva de Gállego. She lives in Muel. She has medium lenght hair and she is average built. She has straight yellow hair and big blue eyes. She has a small nose and a beautiful smile. She is funny. She has two children. She is a housewife. She loves cooking pies and cookies. She likes reading books and watching t.v. She doesn't mind going shopping. She is special because she is my sister!


This is my friend Elena. She is in her 44's. She is Spanish and she lives in Villanueva with her parents and her sister. 
She works as cleaner in the USJ with me. She is tall and thin. She has brown eyes. She has long brown hair. She is happy. She hates studying. She likes going swimming and she loves travelling. She is special because she is always a good friend.

Olga L. 

Her name is Aroa. She is my daughter. She is twelve years old, she is Spanish and she lives in Villanueva de Gállego with her brother, her father and me. 
She lives near the school; she studies sixth grade of Primary at the school "Pintor Pradilla".
She is a beautiful girl. She has long wavy hair and she has always a ponytail. Her eyes are big and she has long eyelashes. She is tall and thin. 
She loves rollerblading, she goes rollerblading everyday. She likes singing and listening to music. She likes going to the beach but she hates sailing. She is afraid of the sea. She is special because she makes me happy. 

Mª Carmen

She lives in Villanueva. She is from Zaragoza. She is a student of English. She has short brown or black hair. She likes walking but She prefers reading a book. 


I don't have a photo of my friend. He is fifty years old. He is Spanish. He lives in Villanueva de Gállego. He works as mechanic in a company. He is very happy. 
He is  182 cm. tall. He has dark brown eyes. He is slim. He has got short straight hair. 


Her name is Ivana, she's Russian and she's my friend. She speaks very well Spanish. 
She's forty years old. She lives in Villanueva, she works in an Art Gallery and she has a son who she loves. 
She has long straight and blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes. 
She's tall and thin and she practices running. 
She is funny, kind and hardworking. 
She loves music, having tapas with friends and learning a lot about computers. 
I like her because she understands me and makes me laugh!


She's thirty six years old. She's Italian and she lives in a village near Roma. She studies music and medicine. 
She loves dancing and she hates going shopping. She prefers having lunch with her friends. 
She has curly black hair. Her eyes are green. She is tall. She is very pretty. 

Grammar: Have got

Good afternoon Elementary I Students!

In order to practice the verb Have Got I attach in this post some links with activities. 

Activity 1: Have got
Activity 2: Have got affirmative
Activity 3: Have got negative
Activity 4: Have got interrogative

Bye bye


Easter Holidays!

Hi everyone!

What about your Easter Holidays? I hope you had fun with your family and friends and also rested as we... come back to our English classes! 

If you want, you can write a brief summary of your Easter Holidays in the section of comments. 

See you tomorrow!!



4 Apr 2017

Exhibition: La Harinera Las Navas: 6th of April

Hey guys!

As you know, one of your English classmates, Mercedes, has developed an interesting Master's Project about "La Harinera Las Navas". This exhibition can be visited in our school from Mondays to Thursdays. 

Next Thursday, we will visit it with Mercedes as guide. 

In order to know just a little bit about the history of flour and mills I highly recommend you these links you have below: 

The History of Flour: From the Mortar to the Industrial Mill

Proverbs and sayings about flour

Milling and grain processing vocabulary

Have a nice afternoon!

See you in class!!


Video: A Brave New World