18 Jan 2013


Do you fancy a game? 
It’s about the phonetic transcriptions chart and the difficulties that all of us have with it. (It’s a supposition because I really have a lot of problems.)
The play is very easy. You only have to read aloud these phonetic transcriptions and write the word it belongs to. You can do it by yourself or in pairs, as you prefer.
If you want to look up how are the right sounds go to this link  or this other one. Here you can hear how to pronounce each sound. 
Are you ready?   So here we go!
At first we’ll start with some easy sounds:

/aɪ/  /meɪl/  /saɪt/  /breɪk/  /teɪl/  /naɪt/  /baɪ/ /tuː/

Have you got them?

Now several words only a little bit more difficult:
 /wʊd/  /fɔːr /  /flaʊər /  /sʌn/  / /aʊr /  /həʊl/

When you had finished, check it with the rest of the class…

Did you write the same words than the rest of the class?
Don’t worry if you didn’t. At least, each sound corresponds with two different words.
They are named homophones words and here you can find more.

Personally I’ve enough just with the first list for a long time …         

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