18 Jan 2013


 DISCOVER THROUGH YOUR ANSWERS WHICH CHARACTER IDENTIFY YOU IN A BETTER WAY… Remember: try to answer as a Fairy Tale Character would do it...

Instructions: Remember to take notes about your answers, later get your score in the table and then add your results.

Question 1:
How do you prefer spend your free time?
A.      Helping my father in his carperter workshop. I love the sawdust smell…
B.       Trying on new shoes… But I don’t know how to do it with my painful bunions…
C.       Eating wonderful red apples, and later taking a good nap…
D.      Looking at myself in a mirror. I don’t believe  that anyone else could be cuter than me …
 Question 2:
What is your opinion about lies?
A.      I don’t like them very much but in an extreme situation… they can work.
B.       They are an important part of my personality.  I wouldn’t be who am I without them…
C.       I hate them!! They makes Fairies cry!
D.      I only use them when I haven’t enough time to finish my home duties.

Question 3:

 How will be your perfect world?
A.      A world without sea and, of course, without whales!
B.       Anywhere I could live in an intelligent house with self-cleaning
C.       A world where the Charming Prince came before the fruit blowout or feast.
D.      I am already living in my perfect world, everyone follows my orders. Except that fool hunter!
Question 4:

 You are extremely scared of…
A.      Of the Blue Fairy. She is very strict with me.
B.       Of a broken mirror! It means seven years of bad luck!
C.       Of the Seven Dwarfs. They want me to be enslaved!
D.      Of pumpkins, I don’t think they could be a very safe mean of transport…

Question 5:

 Which is your favourite colour?
A.      Brown, like the wood colour, of course!
B.       Black, like the hole that I have in the bottom of my heart.
C.       White, What did you think? Don’t you know who I am?
D.      At first, it could be blue.  But for me, it would be good if the thing is clean.

Question 6:
  Where would you go if you were drepessed?

A. To a shoe shop, I love them especially items in cristal material
B. To the theatre, puppets relax me so much
C. Down the mine.  To see the Dwarfs working hard makes me feel better
D. To my hideout, I use to spend my time making posioned apples.

Question / Score
Q. 1 Q. 2 Q. 3 Q. 4 Q. 5 Q. 6
A 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 2 4 2 4 4 2
C 3 3 3 3 3 3
D 4 2 4 2 2 4

If your score is 6 or lower:

 Your favourite character is... follow the link to discover it!

If your score is between 7 and 12:

 Your favourite character is… Just follow the link to discover it!

If your score is between 13 and 18:

 Your closer character is waiting for you in the following link!
                       JUST OPEN IT!

 And if finally your score is 19 or highter

 You can find your soul mate just clicking in this link!
Thanks a lot!


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Video: A Brave New World