22 Jan 2013


Hello class,

I was born in Aretxabaleta (Guipúzcoa). Aretxabaleta is a town located in the province of Guipúzcoa. It has a population about 6,500 people.

I like very much to go there whenever I can, because I see my family  and share good times with them.

It's a town located in a valley and surrounded everywhere by  mountains.



It is curious, even though  it is surrounded by mountains, you can have beach areas nearby.
You can find wonderful beaches  twenty or thirty minutes far.
You can go to towns like Deba, Orio, Zarautz, Guetaria...


 Regarding the food, you can go to have a good barbeque and to eat good and tasty meat and fish.

Have I convinced you to visit it?
I hope so.

Bye, bye,  Ane

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