2 Jan 2013


Hello everyone,
To continue with a scientific point of view like Alfonso’s article I share with you the episode named “The battle of sexes” from the TV program called 'Science Networks'. It explains that differences between male and female’s behaviours and capacities have its origin 800 millions years ago, at the very beginning of our evolution like a  species.  Evolution and hormones are guilty  of  our attitudes, temperament and our tastes, which are a little bit different if we are a male or a female, no better or worse, just different.
I suggest  to watch this video especially around the 17 minute  where this and other arguments are also explained .
But don’t forget that we only have different ways to confront the world, and both are right ways… aren't they?  
And here you are different meanings  of some simple and common sentences according to if they are pronounced by a man or a woman.

11 phrases MEN use:
  1. What?
  2. Which one do you like?
  3. Did you make this yourself?
  4. I'll call you.
  5. Can you get me a beer?
  6. I know exactly where we are.
  7. Two minutes.
  8. Mm Hmmm or Uh Huh.
  9. It's not as bad as it looks.
  10. Burp.
  11. It's okay... I know what I'm doing.
"No men where physically harmed during the production, but egos may be bruised after viewing"

9 Phrases WOMEN use:
  1. Fine.
  2. Five minutes.
  3. Nothing.
  4. Go ahead.
  5. Loud sigh.
  6. That's okay.
  7. Thanks.
  8. Whatever.
  9. Don't worry about it, I got it.

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Video: A Brave New World