12 Feb 2013


I will be on holidays next week and I would like to travel to London or to Lisbon.  I don’t know where to go; it depends on the weather in each city.

I want to enjoy visiting the chosen place with a good weather, therefore  I watch the weather forecast on the internet and I compare it in both places, from Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th, February.

In London, the first day, on Friday, the weather will be partly cloudy;  On Saturday there will appear more clouds and the weather will be similar all days: foggy and dull. It won't be sunny and the possibility of raining will be about 40% on Sunday until Tuesday. The maximum temperature will be 9 degrees Celsius and the minimum will be  bellow 1.  It won’t be very cold either it won’t be snowy.

In Lisbon the weather will be clear on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, some clouds will arrive but it won’t be rainy. On Monday, it will be overcast and it will be drizzly but on Tuesday it will be better and there will be less clouds.   The degrees Celsius will be between 20 and 10.  It will be mild weather.  I think this weather is not very cold and not very hot. 

I am going to decide in this moment, because every time I look at the weather I have to change my mindThe weather forecast changes quickly, so, I prefer to go to Lisbon.  The days will be warmer and nicer.  London will be cooler and less sunny.

See you at Lisbon! 

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