3 Feb 2013

My opinion about the weather by Alvaro

In my opinion, long time ago it was more difficult to report an exact and reliable weather forecast  because  the weather men had  few instruments to know what the weather will be like.
When I was a teenager and I saw the weather news, I thought that the weather man made up all he  said, especially when he said: "Tomorrow we will have a cloudy day with a soft wind" and at the very next day, I woke up and saw through the window  it was a rainy day with no wind.

Now the weather men have many instruments, such as satellites, meteorological stations, etc... to forecast the weather,  for this reason now their weather reports are more precise.

Because of the new technologies, we can know everything related to the weather at a real time. We have websites in which we can see the weather at every moment,  at any place of the world or if we like to know the weather on the coming days,  we only need to make a single click.

Every time I am on holidays and I am planning to travel to another town, I search on the Internet any website specialised in weather forecast to know the weather in this town these days.
For example when I am going to go to practise skiing,  I have a look at this website:


And  depending on what I read in this website, I decide if I go or I don't.  If it's cloudy or it's snowy but without wind, I go.  For me the wind is the worst because if it's a chilly day there isn't any problem, you can just wear more clothes and that's solved, but with the wind you can't make anything.  However the best about skiing, is to have a good day.

Nothing more about the weather, see you at class.

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