18 Feb 2013


I'm shopping at a department store and I'd like to buy some clothes.

- " Hello, can I help you ?  Are you looking for anything in particular ? "

- " I need a pair of jeans. Could you show me some ? "

- " What size are you ? "

- " I'm a large."

- " What colour would you like ? "

- " Blue or black "

- " Let's see. How about these ones ? "

- " Yes, these are nice. Can I try them on? "

- " Certainly, the changing rooms are over there. "

- " Thank you. "

- "  How do they fit you ? "

- " They are too big. Have you got a medium ? "

- " Let's see.  You mean, these ones?  Yes, here you are.

- " Yes, how much are they ? "

- " They are 25€."

- " Ok, have you got anything cheaper ? "

- " Yes, of course. These are very similar but they cost only 16€."

- " Much better. I'll take them."

- " Would you like to buy anything else ? "

- " No, thank you. Do you accept credit cards ? "

- " Yes, we do."

- " Ok, here's my Visa."

- " Thank you. Have a nice day! "

- " Thank you, goodbye."

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Video: A Brave New World