12 Feb 2013

Shopping – A Real Conversation by Vanesa

-         Hello, Good morning!

-         Good morning, Can I help you?

-         No, I´m just looking, thank you.
-      ... ... ...

-     Excuse me, could you tell me if you have this shirt on a large size, please? 

-         Let´s see.  Here you are.

-         Where can I try it on?

-         It´s over there.  The changing rooms are just over there.

-         Sorry, Would it be possible in any other colour? 

-         We have it in white, blue, pink and green.

-         Can I try this blue shirt on?

-         Sure.  Here you are.  
-     ... ... ...
-     How does it fit you?

-         The size is correct but I would prefer it in black.

-         Let´s see.
-     ... ... ...

-         We haven´t got that colour right now.

-         So, I will come another day then, thank you.

-         Bye!

-         You will be welcome!

-         Goodbye.

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Video: A Brave New World