7 May 2013

THE PHOTOGRAPHS by Chelo, Pilar and Sofía

Photography is an art.

Don't touch any button. There are a lot of techniques to take a picture. Different variables such as light, the shutter speed, the shutter opening ...should be taken into account but stop talking about techniques.

As an art it has many styles or types for instance:

- Architectural Photography
- Nature Photography
- Social Photography
- Portrait
- Stolen Photography
- Macro Photography
- Night Photography
- Ligth painting
- Landscapes
- Still Life or inanimate objects
- Abstract Photography
- Geometric Photography
- Protest Photography
- Photojournalism
-Travel Photography

-Sports Photography
-Scientific Photography

Here you have examples of different types, and even mixed up in a single picture.
Many times you have to be in the right place and get a capture at that very moment.
Or learn to see things differently.
Do you wish to play with us? Would you know...? What would you Say it is?

And speaking of seeing things differently ...
There are photographs or shots in which things that are not there appear... and things that appear are not.

We are going to start talking about Agramonte shrine. It's an ancient hospital situated in the Moncayo mountain.
It was started to build in 1920 and it was finished in 1930. During six years it was a beautiful hotel, and rich people stayed there on holidays. In 1936 the civil war broke out and one night a terrifying event happened, the people who were working there were raped and assassinated.
As a result of this event, the hotel was closed until the civil war finished.

In 1939 Santa Ana charity sisters changed the hotel into a tuberculosis care hospital which was working for forty years. In October 1978 the hospital was closed.
For a period of time a lot of resarchers have gone to the Agramonte shrine to inspect it. They have discovered psychophony and paranormal phenomena.
Two years ago, Pilar took the following photographs in that place:

What do you watch in these photographs?

And this one was taken in Torrero cemetery: Somebody is looking at us....

Are you afraid?
Would you like and dare to visist these places?

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