6 Jun 2013

A typical weekday by Jesús Leciñena

I'm going to talk about my typical weekday in summer. 

I usually get up at half past nine more or less, then I have a shower in my bathroom.   I have for breakfast two pieces of toast with butter and marmalade or jam on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday exactly, and muffins and biscuits on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 

A little later, at about half past ten I start working on my house with my PC, I search a job on the internet everyday. I send emails to enterprises, factories or firms.

After working, I like eating at two o'clock, then in the afternoon I go shopping to Puerto Venecia or Plaza Imperial with my friend to see shops, just to window-shopping or to go to the cinema, it is my best moment in the day.

Then I cook dinner at quarter to ten, for example eggs with chips, pizza, chicken, etc. After I watch TV or play with my playstation in my attic.

At night I go to bed at one o´clock. 

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