16 Jan 2014

Nuns lifestyle by María

Nuns are women who have been consecrated into a religious order and their lifestyle is monastic. They have rules, for example: celibate, obedience, poverty, chastity, and even in some cases complete isolation from civil life, known as enclosed order.
Usually they live in convents, although sometimes they live in communities in the society where they work.
In general, nun or sister is the same but in some occasions we can make a difference: a nun is a religious woman who has a contemplative life of prayer while a sister (in Christian meaning) is a woman with a prayer and service vocation to needy, sick and poor people.
There are nuns who take part in the society with altruistic sacrifices and even social organizations are managed by them. For this kind of nun it is better to say religious woman.
Nuns at schools are called Sor (sister).
I've chosen nuns for my composition because I have recently visited a restored convent and I saw in it peculiar things. If you want, I'll tell you in class.
Best regards,


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