14 Jan 2014


Hello cassmates,
Today, I write about a group of people that have a lifestyle which is totally different from ours. You have to guess who are them. I give you some clues:

  • They are 230,000 people and they grow a four per cent every year.
  • They live in communities. These are about 22.
  • Most of them live in Northamerica though there are some few in Europe.
  • Among themselves they speak in Pennsylvania Dutch and with other people they speak in English
  • Their lifestyle is dictated by the Ordnung althought it differs slightly in each community.
  • Their cuisine stood out for its simplicity and traditional qualities.  Food plays an important part in their social life and is served at potlucks, weddings, ...
  • They are a religious group who are baptised between the ages of 16 and 25.
  • Some parents allow to their 16 year-children to enjoy a time called rumspringa. (There is a documentary that speaks about Rusmpringa. This documentary is called Devil’s Playground and the director is Lucy Walker, it was nominated for the best documentary).
  • They don't usually educate their children past the eighth grade, almost none of them go to high school and college.
  • They do not own motor vehicles.

If you don't know some bold word, you will able to read its meaning just below.

        - Pennsylvania Dutch is a variety of West Central German spoken by possibly more than 250,000 people in North America.
        - Ordnung  is a strict group of rules and tradition.
        - A potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people may contribute a dish of food, prepared by the person or the group of people, to be shared among the group.
        - The Rumspringa normally begins around the age of 14 to 16 and ends when a youth chooses baptism, or instead leaves the community. It's a time for courtship and finding a spouse.

Here you have a video of them.

       I - Will you be able to live without motor vehicles?
      II -  Until what  age do you think people must spent their time only studying? Until eighth grade?
     III - Would you like to take part in a potluck?  Do you think it is good idea? 
     IV - Would you like to live for a time with them? 


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Video: A Brave New World