14 Feb 2014

Venice by Montse

Venice is a magic destination for me and there are a lot of reasons for you to visit it.
If I would have to give a single reason, it would be that it is a unique city and it is totally different from the rest. It is a place which everybody is in love with.
Its streets are canals, you can go across them by gondola or vaporetto. There are many bridges all over the city. You can go to “El Puente de los Suspiros” where every lover takes a photo.  Nearby, it is “La Plaza de San Marcos". It is located in the heart of Venice and in spring and winter, the square is flooded and a footbridge is put and so every people can walk across on foot.
In the square you can find “La Basílica de San Marcos”, “El Palacio Ducal" and "La Torre dell’Orologio”.
Plaza de San Marcos and Basílica de San Marcos

Puente Rialto

It is also an obligatory visit “el Puente Rialto”, it is the most antique of the four bridges that cross the Gran Canal.

You can go for a walk along its streets and you can see beautiful palaces with impressive front of buildings. There are also many different churches and basilicas you can visit.
If you travel in period of Carnival, you will see everything is different. The people of Venice get dressed with 17th century clothes.  You can buy a mask at the different local shops. This year, the Carnival will be celebrated from 22nd July to 4th March.

I hope you find this city as fantastic and charming as me.
See you soon.

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