That is the question!
I don't know what to choose!
I have listened that I can choose it. This is the only thing I can choose. The rest: mouth, ear, eyes, arms, fingers... I can't choose them. My mother and my father have chosen everthing with their genes.
After, I will not remember anything of this. But depending on what I choose right now, everything can be different.
By a side:
I have listened to say that men are stronger than women and cleverer. They are very developed in every facet of their life. Moreover somebody said that men are changing. At present, men also do the housework, they take care of the babies and are a little bit more sensitive. Although not all of them are this way. I don't know why!
By other side:
Women are very sensitive, affectionate, responsible and in some facet of their life they are better than men.
But, the other day, I listened that men and women are almost the same. However there is one important difference.
Women can carry one baby in their body and then one special feeling is linked between mother and baby. This is a big satisfaction, although, it isn't free. The birth is very painful and just few years ago, women could die in the delivery.
Fortunately, this situation have changed. The science have been developed very much and the birth is very secure, moreover with epidural anesthesia, the birth isn't painful.
Well, I think everything is already solved but I know what to choose.
I don't know...
I don't know...
Oh no! Oh no¡
What is that noise?
Damn! my mother is shouting and screaming. She has got a pain.
What happens!
Crap! Shit! My time has finished, the ninth month has already passed and I haven't chosen yet.
Uah! uah! uah!
The mother says: Doctor, doctor have I got a male or a female?
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