22 Nov 2016

Discussion: Our Childhood memories

Good morning Intermediate Students!

Today we are going to talk about this amazing topic: Our childhood memories. 

Here you can see some of the questions we will talk about in class. 

·       1.   What is your earliest childhood memory? Describe it.
·       2.   What are your best memories of when you were a child? 
·       3.   Was your childhood a happy time? Why/Why not?
·       4.   Do the photos from your childhood show? 
·       5.   What do your parents tell you from when you were a child?
·       6.   Were you told off a lot? What for?
·       7.   What did you enjoy doing as a child? Why? 
·       8.   Did you ever set up any secret groups or societies? 
·       9.   What was your favourite food when you were young? Do you still like it?

·       10. Do you ever talk about your childhood with anybody?
         If yes, what kind of things do you talk about and who with? If no, why not?

       See you later!


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