17 Jan 2013

FRACTAL IMAGES (diminishing geometric pattern)

   Last class, we were speaking about some curious  photographs  or images  which  seemed and showed something that it wasn’t happening in reality. I’d like to show you other very exciting images. They’re called fractal images. In this case, they’re true images; however  we daily see them by taking part of a big thing. A fractal image is an semi-geometric object with a similar structure in whatever scale it is done.  These images are calculated and based on mathematics algorithms.

   I prefer fractal images coming from the nature. For instance, one cauliflower seems to be formed by many cauliflowers.  My favourite fractal image is the fractal from the snowflake. Other interesting examples of fractal images are:, clouds, mountains, trees, rivers, circulatory system and etc.

  Nowadays , it is getting the fractal art developed and the fractal music created with computers.

 And if you would like to enjoy of fractal art, click in this video. 

Single Snowflake

photo by Erica_Marshall on Flickr

published by Sonia Ruiz LLera


1 comment:

  1. At last I had remembered when I heard something about fractal concept. It was some years ago speaking with a friend about music, of course. In particular speaking about the great music master named J.S. Bach. Everyone knows the relation between Mathematics and music, so some theories talk about the fractal concept and the music composed by Bach. Here you are a link that explains it better. http://www.maa.org/mathtourist/mathtourist_9_3_08.html


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Video: A Brave New World