12 Jan 2013

The revolution, YES, will be televised by Ricardo

                           Inspired in song of Gill Scott Heron   "The revolution will not be televised"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Pi,pi,pi,pi....Last hour...pi,pi,pi,pi..

Today, people's groups "without hood" (children, adults, women, men, blacks, whites, violets.., dogs, cats..) have capture peacefully the television channels in all the cities around the world.  We don´t know if it's a telepathy act..... or .."twitter",   but yes we know that nothing will be as it was before...
_Because brothers             "The revolution, Yes, it will be televised"                                                    
   ((((  Music  ))))    

_"The idiot box" will not be in private hands... will be of people, will recover the dignity...and...never again we will call it idiot.

_Never again we will watch dishonest news ..... only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

_"The revolution, Yes, it will be televised"......

_Sorry, but "La noria","Sálvame","Dónde estas corazón".....  will not be watched....we will watch cultural programs with which we will also enjoy.

_Theatre, cinema, literature, science, nature, education, free time, travels, cooking, animation.....  yes, my friend... everything will be in your remote control......  until "music video" will be here to stay.

_"The revolution, Yes, it will be televised".....

_Oh my God!!! Sports... followers to the almighty Football.., you only could watch one weekly game...

  but calm, you're going to hallucinate with a lot of sports that exist.., from now on football will seem you boring...

  and Mourinho's opinion won't be important to anyone...

_Brother...now; sit in front of it, enjoy and learn.... but not long time, if not, it will stun you as before...

     and then... you will take revolution to the streets..

_Because brothers...        "The revolution, Yes,it will be televised".


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Video: A Brave New World