12 Jan 2013

Put a orchard in your life and in your food by Ricardo

Taking advantage of the article by Ruth about the posibility of consume healthy products from nearby orchards, I would like to speak about the posibility of working and growing products on an orchard ourselves.

In my opinion, it's a very nice option..., all our grandfathers did it and next generations are losing it... maybe the causes can be the lack of time in this society and also that in cities, people haven´t got a piece of land to grow anything.

But now, there is option to rent plots near the cities and if we don´t dispose of all the time that the orchard needs... we could join us with people to work it in common.... even simply put it in your little terrace.

I think that it's a healthy and very complete habit, because you would put in your diet a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, because physical and mental activity to work on it is required, which is something essential for a healthy life..., and because it connects you to the earth more intensely, so that it's very gratifying...

 All in all, as you see, all are advantages for future farmers...    

Here you can see only some Internet sites to rent plots near Zaragoza... but there is much more.

      Huertolandia             HuertosElOlivar              HuertosMunicipales

If you're interesting in or if you know someone who is, this contact in Montañana neighborhood lends you the land totally free.


                       "Tempero" programe (Aragon tv)   It´s recording in Huertolandia's land.

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