1 Dec 2013

Top 100 First World Problems

We have to live a hard time. Economic and financial crisis, unemployment, financial problems, forced evictions, … Our mind  is thinking about this kind of problems but… Always?  Perhaps in our daily life we are busy with light situations, small discomforts, not important news…

 In the next video titled “Top 100 First World Problems”, we can see (in a funny way), some daily situations; in this case in a US life-style. During the video I can translate some expressions, persons and trademarks of difficult translation.

I propose the following work at class for today. After watching the video everyone can think for a while what in our daily life disturb us a lot!, and convey it to the rest of the group (things about housework, work, family manners, public transport, about the traffic, and so on.)

Alfonso Dolset

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Video: A Brave New World