13 Feb 2013

Buying a gift at a bookshop by Ana Ruesca

  • Hello, Can you help me, please?
  • Of course, How can I help you?.
  • I need a gift for a 9 year-old boy. 
  • What kind of books does he like?
  • He usually reads books such as Mort and Pil, Gerónimo Stilton, but I would like a book in which  he could learn other things, more educational, I mean.
  • Does he like dinosaurs? We have a new book that tells the life of the dinosaurs and also he can make a  dinosaur  mockup.
  • Oh!  It’s perfect. How much is it?
  • It’s 21.00 €.
  • May I pay by credit card?
  • Yes, sure.
  • Could you wrap it for a birthday present, please?
  • Yes, no problem. Here  you are.
  • You have  been very nice, Thanks.
  • Bye, bye!

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