13 Feb 2013

Shopping at a jeweller's for Ana Delia


I set out the situation:
Last Saturday I went to Angeline's jewellery to buy a present because of St. Valentine's Day.

-Hi, good morning!
-Good morning, can I help  you?
-Yes,  we would like to see some bracelets.
-How do you want  the bracelet, made of gold or silver?
-Which is  the difference between them?
-It is quite enough, the gold ones costs about 130 euros and the silver ones, 40 euros.
-Then silver, please and could it be carved?
- Have a look at these ones. The plate which will be carved can be the size you want, as well as the thickness of the chain.
-I like that one because of its little chain and because the plate is not big either.
- Ok,  What would you like to put in it?
- In the front, you put ANA and in the back, you put this date: 21-9-2012.
-Well, we will take just a little time to have it, on a week or so it will be ready. You take your receipt.
-Thanks, how much is it?
-The engraved bracelet is 48 euros.
-That's cheap. Here you  are, thanks for  everything, Angelines.  Next week I will come to collect it.
- Ok, see you then.
-Good bye.
-Good bye and thanks.

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