5 Jun 2013

A DREAM TRIP by Ana Belén

Hello classmates,

14 years ago my husband and I made the most exciting trip in our lives.
Two days after our wedding we boarded a plane to Kenya.
When we arrived at Nairobi, where we spent the first night,  we really were a bit scared, it seemed a city without being civilized, as much as we saw, as much as we said: "Where are we?"

But the next day everything started to go better. We got up early and after breakfast we went to Samburu, we travelled in a van in which we were 6 people.  The driver lifted the roof and we started the adventure to see wildlife in its environment.  We were lucky and we saw quite a few animals, giraffes, impalas, elephants, gazelles...

Every day we went on safari in a different place. So we passed by Aberdare, The Riff Valley, Lake Nakuru where the first thing we saw was an impressive rosy mantle , they were the flamingos, a spectacle  not to be missed.  We continue seeing rhinos, buffalos, zebras, and later we could saw a few lions that were asleep and suddenly woke up and began to pose for us. The Park was full of animals.
Also we were in The Masai Mara Park, it has fabulous views, unforgettable landscapes and incredible fauna, we saw lions, hyenas, giraffes, elephants, antelopes of every species, anyway it was just wonderful.
It was a very special day, we visited a Masai tribe, they were dressed with the typical clothing that characterizes them. The visit was very interesting because you can see how they live in there.

Then we went back to our everyday safari, this time we arrived at The Mara River where we also saw many hippos, crocodiles and gnus crossing a river.
The last day we went back to Nairobi and that night we went to have dinner at 'The Carnivore Restaurant', it's really worthy to enjoy it. At the beginning of the dinner, they put a flag on the table and until you don't knock it over, they never stop to serve you until you are totally full. It was big enough, well decorated and you could try meat of ostrich, crocodrile, snake... served with all kind of sauces. The service was very friendly and once in a while they began to sing the typical songs to encourage people.

The next day, we sadly come back to Spain.

But with a fulfilled dream

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Video: A Brave New World