4 Jun 2013

Double-check?? (Alberto)

New tecnologies have come to our lives, with it, the smartphones. More than a simple phone. Internet with you everywhere and with that it has arrived a new way to comunicate. The Apps are installed in your little computer. Programmes enable to do more than a phone call.

Among those Apps is WhatsApp.  Instant messages totally free.  You can chat whomever you want, send photos, music.. even create people groups.  Only the phone number is needed.

Comfortable, fast and really funny extras...

 But, is it all so marvellous? Or isn't it?

We have watched the risks of excessive using and trusting this App, but is it the only reading we can do? 

Is it just a joke or maybe are there other risks?  

This video has been used too, at some high schools, to show a bad attitude, something really bad.

Is the man's attitude correct? Why does he have the right to control her?

Could it be the beginning to something worst?

Just give your opinion and comments.


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Video: A Brave New World