11 Jun 2013

Mass Media

The Mass Media concept usually bring the image of Television and Radio into our minds. This is really a broader concept and it is based on information transmission to as much people as possible by any means. Nowadays there are many ways to convey information all around the world, but a lot of efforts have been made by the human beings to achieve and research on the updated mass communication.

Probably, the first step on this process was the invention of printing.  It made possible a basic way of information broadcasting, but it was really a slow and expensive method in the early times. However this method changed completely the world and it has been the most important mass media until the twentieth century.

Printing is still the ideal way for newspapers, magazines, journals or books. New generations will continue being brough up still using printed information on paper and probably this kind of mass media will remain as one of the most important for years or even centuries.

Talking about press, the work process of newspapers and magazines has changed radically with the new technologies. Reporters can gather the information easily because they have much more sources than before the Internet or the mobile phone appearance.  It is not already difficult to contact with eyewitnesses and obtain the information inmediately.  Journalists and columnists can work in groups and write down stories, news and columns collaboratively. Of course correspondants need to travel to the location where the news are happening, but they can report the information faster and safer than before. Despite these advantages there is an important handicap, too much information. Reporters have to contrast the gathered facts, and the editor chief needs the news pretty well checked before publishing them or composing the front cover.

Internet has brought many benefits to press media, but it has also generated many risks. Besides it is quite difficult to know if the news are true or false, Internet provides a large competition among press media and also the appearenace of new press & media portals are developing a real fight among each other to get people's attraction.

We can also see a similar situation on radio or TV. The Internet appearance has made possible the birth of radio and TV low-cost channels. For example, to make a radio channel you only need an Internet connection, a web application for audio broadcasting, a microphone and a beautiful voice. TV needs a few more resources: a camera (a webcam or a profesional camera, both let us make a good show if the content is really interesting), a light set and a chroma key background (optional, but thoroughly recommended if you are searching a profesional style).

Finally I have to talk about the social media networks because I think they are the new mass media channels. Billions of users are connected to these portals and can see a lot of information about their friends, idols, or favourite shops. Some portals are focused on personal communication (e.g Twitter) but others allow marketing actions (e.g. Facebook) and represent a new advertising method. This last concept is very important, becacuse publicity is one of the main promoters of the mass media.

By Miguel Ángel Varona.

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