12 Jun 2013

Chilhood Memories, by Rosa

When I was a child I was living at a little town of Huesca in a big  and especial  house. There I enjoyed  wonderful moments that gave me unforgettable memories of my chilhood.
I am the younger sister of four: one brother and three sisters.  Inside our home we played here, there and everywhere around all the bedrooms, dining rooms, barns, garages, terrace, antique cars, garden, terrace even in the chapel. We didn´t need to leave the house for having a good time. We hid in the barns, played with mud in the garden, swung in the swing-barn, played houses in a old caravan,  listened to music in a record player-room: a room with a sofa, bookcases and  filled up with our  favourite singer posters that we ourselves decorated (only for us!). We had the toys and doll's houses spread out in our corner always prepared for playing.
Many times our cousins and friends always played there with us.  They loved to come to our house! and now they also keep  beautiful memories of it .
We had a nice horse named Furia, two dogs: Bolita and Varon, a lot of cats that ran all around the house, rabbits, doves and even one hedgehog that I found in the field.
Christmas memories are very nice, too. When December started the children went to the mountain with my father to choose the Christmas tree we wanted. He cut it down and all of us came back home happily.  We also picked moss and branches for the Nativity Scene of the chapel.
Everybody together decorated the tree which wasn't dismantled until Holy Week. We kept wrapper sweets all year long for cutting and used  them as confetti for New Year's Eve.
I also remember the delicious nocilla bread rolls that was scattered for all sides.The barley and wheat smell recently harvested. The family afternoon snacks in the field. I rode by bike everywhere. We swam at the river and in the irrigation canal and went to do excursions by the vegetable gardens, the mountains and the bog all alone without our parents. We were free, children enjoyed everything to the max!

And a lot of memories  more...

The infancy It's a lovely time...What beautiful memories!


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