10 Nov 2013

My description by Javier


My name is Javier. I am 49 years old. I live in a house in La Puebla de Alfindén since 2003. I work for a building company. I am a salesman. I have got two children, one girl and one boy, the girl is eleven years old and she studies here in Los Albares school.  She likes studying English and she is a very good student and a sporty girl.  She has been practising karate for 4 years and she likes arts and crafts,  she makes bobbin lace.
My son is very funny. He is 4 years old, he's a sporty boy and brave, too. He likes playing martial arts, as her sister and as myself, but he is still a baby boy.
I'm medium height and built, I've got brown eyes and hair.  I am considerate but a little shy and not very chatty.
When I was younger, I liked alpine sports (such as free climbing, cross-country skiing and Btt) and Karate;  now, I only play Martial Arts (karate and Aikido) and I am very happy when my wife, my children and I ride our bicycles.

I love being with my family.

See you soon.

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