10 Jan 2014

RECYCLING by Natalia and Yolanda


Our topic is “Recycling”.
We are going to talk about this topic throught some different kind of games to enjoy together.

Nowadays, the sorting of household waste is very important and necessary if you want to take care of your environment.
Almost everywhere, we can find bins of different colours where we can throw out the rubbish, although sometimes it can be quite difficult.

In the following link, you can read an article showing that this process can be as complicated as playing Sudoku.



To continue, we have found an interesting video about recycling, which we think can help us to improve our listening skills and increase our vocabulary and knowledge about this topic.

This video starts telling the importance of recycling different materials everywhere (at home, at school...) to save the earth.
Afterwards some images of a recycling plant are showed and the recycling process of several materials such as plastic, aluminium, steel, paper and glass, and its by-products are also explained on the video.

Pay attention to the movie because you will have to answer some questions.


  One of them is a crossword where you would have to find different words connected to recycling materials just reading the definition or watching the image and finding the word.

Finally, we play a role about recycling. Some of us will be in favour of this topic and others will be against of it.

Start to think about ..........
  • Do you usually recycle? and why?/why not?
  • Are there enough trash bins where you live?
  • Do you think it is important to take care of the environment?
  • Do you think this topic has to be worked at schools?
  • Do you think people are aware of this subject?
  • Do you think there are economical interests in this topic?

Afterwards, you will have to convince the other opponents with different reasons about your point of view.

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Video: A Brave New World