8 Jan 2014

My daily routine by Mary

9:00.- I get up
9:15.- I get dressed
9:30.- I have breakfast
After having breakfast, I wash my teeth.
10:00.- I do the housework.
11:30.- I rest, I watch TV.
12:00.- I go to buy bread and I happen to see my grandmother.
12:45.- I come back home.
13:00.- I look at the mailbox and throw the garbage.
13:30.- I start preparing the food.
14:30.- I lay the table.
Depending on the day, we eat at three o'clock or half after three.
After eating I wash my teeth, tidy the kitchen up and I look if I have to do the laundry.
At six o'clock, when  I have everything already made, I turn the computer on and I watch some movie or look at the facebook.
At nine o'clock I go  to the living room with my mother, we watch TV and speak about the dinner.
At ten o'clock we have dinner and after we watch what it is broadcast on TV.
And when  I am obviously and really tired, I go  to sleep.

And this one is more or less my daily routine.
See you in class, good-bye!!

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