8 Jan 2014


The other day I read something in the Facebook of a friend of mine about our topic and I want to show it to you because those words made me think quite a lot.

At the supermarket queue, the cashier says to an old woman:

- You should bring your own bag, because plastic bags are no good for the environment.

The old woman says:

- Oh! Yes, of course, I'm really sorry,  back in my time there weren't these green campaings.

The cashier answers:

- Yeah, This is the problem, your generation didn't know how to do it well and now we are paying for it.

The old woman replies:

- Sorry about that, but.....

I remember we usually brought back to the shop the milk and soft drink bottles... but you are right, we weren't green.

We went everywhere on foot and went up to upper floors by the stairs... but you are right, we weren't green.

We used to wash the babies' nappies and clothes were given to smaller brothers. We hadn't got new clothes all the time, but you are right, we weren't green.

We had only one television, one radio, one house... and we hadn't got any electrical appliance for cooking.

We hadn't got oil for our machines so our job was made by our effort and our hands, and because of that, we didn't need to go to the gym, but you are right, we weren't green.

We drank directly from the tap because we hadn't got any glasses and bottles, we wrote with fountain pen and recharged its ink, but you are right, we weren't green.

Those time people took the bus or trolley, children went to school on foot or by bycicle because we didn't go by car everywhere and not all the people had a car, but you are right, we weren't green.

So, I know it's understandable this generation complains all the time for our irresponsible manners.

Sincerely, a story that make everyone think.  It's easy to think, other people were responsible for all but... after reading this... Do you think as before?

Do you think... maybe we are just responsible even with all kind of technology we have nowadays and our style of life?

What do you think?

Think about it and let's share it.

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Video: A Brave New World