5 Feb 2014


Our daily activities affect the environment, everything we do, have consequences, so we are going to show you some interesting situation.

We start with environmental problems.

Are we safe of pollution in somewhere?

Have a look at this page and find out environmental toxins at any part of our houses and bedrooms.

In this Web about daily activities, we can see an office document about human activities and their potential impact on the environment:

Look at this video,  you can listen what this child is thinking.
It's great to see these children being aware of how our actions affect our environment.

Well, now we have enough and different information, and so possibley we are qualified to answer the next questions.


Can you stop for a moment?  I need your help, please answer these 15 questions about your daily routine.
Please, catch a piece of paper and write down the number of question and the letter you choose in every question.

1. When do you get up every day...
  • a) do you have a shower?
  • b) do you take a bath? 
2. Do you usually eat ...?
  • a) natural products
  • b) ready cooked food
  • c) I would like to eat natural products, but I keep ready cooked food for some days in which I haven't got much time to cook.
3. When you brush your teeth, do you...?
  • a) turn off the tap?
  • b) keep the tap turned on?
4. Which mean of transport do you usually use when commuting?
  • a) My own car
  • b) A shared car
  • c) Public transport
  • d) Sustainable movement (by bicycle, on foot, skating,...)
 5.  Do you usually consume local and seasonal products?
  • a) Always
  • b) Sometimes
  • c) Never
  • d) I don't care about it
6. When do you leave a room, you...?
  • a) Always switch off the lights
  • b) Sometimes switch off the lights
  • c) I try to switch off the lights but I don't ever remember to do it.
  • d) Never switch off the lights
7. When you turn on the heating or the air conditioning...
  • a) you have it on about 21 degrees
  • b) you have it very cool in summer and warm in winter
  • c) you do not care about these things
8. Which are the different garbage bins do you have at home?
  • a) you have several of them to recycle different types of waste (organic, paper, plastic, glass, oil, batteries)
  • b) you have several ones but eventually throw almost everything at the organic waste
  • c) with one garbage bin, you have enough.
9. At your home, do you try to have energy efficient bulbs or low consumption bulbs?
  • a) Yes, all your bulbs are energy efficient
  • b) Some bulbs are energy efficient
  • c) You don't worry about that 
10.  What do you do with your used cooking oil?
  • a) You collect it and you carry it to a recycling point.
  • b) Sometimes you collect it, some others, don't.
  • c) You throw it down the drain. 
11. Do you reuse the papers when you don't need them?
  • a) Yes, you reuse all the used papers.
  • b) Sometimes, you reuse, some others, don't
  • c) You never reuse the used papers.
12.When you go out to eat on the mountain, park or the beach, what do you do with the trash that you generate?
  • a) You always pick up everything, even if you see other people's garbage, you also clean it.
  • b) It depends on the rush, if you are in a hurry or not.
  • c) Just if the bin is close to use it, but you do not carry it in your car.
  • d) You leave it on the site to be cleaned by the cleaning services.
13. What kind of cleaning products do you use?
  • a) You always use green and environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  • b) You prefer to use less aggressive products to the environment, but only if they are not much more expensive.
  • c) You do not look at those things.
  • d) You use the chemicals, which certainly are more efficient.
14. Do you disconnect electrical plugs and appliances when not in use?
  • a)  You always do it, it is a very effective way of saving light and extend the life of appliances.
  • b) Only sometimes, when you remember it.
  • c) No, you never do it.
15. Do you use the dryer for your clothes?
  • a) Yes, you always use it.
  • b) You only use it in winter.
  • c) No, you hang up the clothes on the terrace in summer and in winter you do it indoors.

Well done, now you must check your answers with this list and add your results to get a final score.

01. a) 4  b) 1                           02. a) 4  b) 1  c) 2                    03. a) 4  b) 1                
04. a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4           05. a) 4  b) 3  c) 2  d) 1           06. a) 4  b) 3  c) 2  d) 1   
07. a) 4  b) 2  c) 1                   08. a) 4  b) 3  c) 1                    09. a) 4  b) 3  c) 1    
10. a) 4  b) 3  c) 1                   11. a) 4  b) 3  c) 1                    12. a) 4  b) 3  c) 2  d) 1
13. a) 4  b) 3  c) 2  d) 1           14. a) 4  b) 2  c) 1                    15. a) 1  b) 2  c) 4

Well, now you know your score,  look  in the following descriptions and know if you are friendly to the environment in your daily activities.


(15-25)  Do you know what the environment is?!?
(26-37)  Your actions, they have consequences.
(38-49)  You are careful, but you can do more.
(50-60)  Marvelous, you are careful and you really enjoy the environment.

Do you want to be healthy, and would you also like to live or work in a clean place?. I suppose your answer is YES, then you must think that the environment is the same as your body, your house or your workplace.
You are happy when those things are well, so you must work on it and make an effort to get it, in addition you could think in your children and their future home.

You know that we must care the environment and you agree with it, but you don't make anything for being more careful about it.
Now you can see that just making small changes in your daily routine, you can make big things.
If your resolutions for this New Year are among others to be more careful, it will be great.

You take care of the world that surrounds you, the daily little actions that you do are great but you mustn't relax, because it is necessary that you keep informed and you turn in a routine the correct habits. 
Please think!, I'm sure that you can find more little things to do for help.

Thank you, you are a great person, you are keeping you informed, and you always do the correct for the environment.
It is necessary persons like you to help our earth, water and air, to feel healthy and guarantee our future.
It will be great that you try to persuade your friends and family to follow your great example.

Please!!!, compare your results with your classmates, and tell if you agree or don't.

Thanks for your time and your attention!

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Video: A Brave New World