27 Jan 2014

Amish, a different way of living

Sure you have seen them in some movie.
For the Amish the time has stopped at the 18th century.
It is a religious group, they speak German,  and live in Ohio and Pensilvania.
They live in an isolated world, defend pacifism and simple life and reject modern technology.
They also reject the current clothing, cars, TV, phone, gas and even electricity.
The Amish are farmers and carpenters.
They travel and move in horse-drawn carriages, their names are ''buggies''.
All the members of the community are well supported when they have a problem.
The Ordnung are some unwritten rules that people follow.
Parents  educate their children through their words with the main purpose of not hurting the other people feelings .
Many of them do not go to the doctor, only rely on their faith and community.
Divorce is prohibited.
Families tend to be large with a maximum of ten children.
The Amish always shaved their beard while they are single, the beard is a simbol of being married.

Curious things in the life of the Amish:

-It's prohibited the use of buttons on clothing, because this object is associated to the armed forces.
-When an Amish girl is playing with a doll, you can observe the doll has no face, this custom is based on the sentences of the Bible.
-The Amish community is not baptized on their birth.
-When they turn sixteen years old, they have the opportunity to see the outside world and choose which way to follow.
-It is their decision  to return freely to the common world or to accept to live the rest of their lives as Amish.

Written by Helen

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Video: A Brave New World