25 Jan 2014

Hobbies; by Mary.

Two classmates were speaking about their hobbies:

- Well Tom, what do you like to do after classes?

I don't know, I suppose reading, watching movies or just relaxing with my computer. And you, what do you like doing?

- I like listening to music, playing football and playing with my dog. And what type of movies and books do you like?

+ I like fantasy and fiction books, worlds where any thing is possible and comedy and romantic movies.   You have a dog, don't you?  What kind of breed is it?

- I have a boxer, it is big and good-natured.

+ And what kind of music do you listen to?

- A bit of everything,  I am charmed with the music in general, I can listen from Skrillex up to violin versions of Lindsey Stirling, I think it is very good!!

+ Well Daniel, tomorrow we will meet in class, good-bye!!

- Good-bye Tom, see you!!

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