13 Nov 2016

EMAIL. SUBJECT: My friend Julia .- Villanueva de Gállego

From: Noelia
To: Rubén
Subject: My friend Julia

Hi Rubén.

How are you? I hope you're well. Thanks for your last e-mail. Sorry that I haven't been in touch for a while.

My friend is Julia. She is 19 years old. Physically, she has long brown hair, brown eyes and she is medium height. She usually wears glasses but simetimes uses contact lenses.
She studies at an adult school in Villanueva de Gállego. Sometimes, also she works taking care of children in different places.
I met her in the school when we were little. We went together to the same class in infant education and primary education. Currently, we are still good friends. In fact, she is my best friend.

She is friendly, extroverted, polite, funny, simpathetic,..
Her hobbies are reading books, watching series, listening to music, shopping, dancing,...
In her free time, she goes out with her friends, goes out walking her dog, reads, goes to parties and she helps his brother with his homework and she also cleans the house.

One negative thing about her personality is that she is forgetful. I think she can solve it by writing down all important things in an agenda so that when she won't remember, she will go to revise it.
Another way not to forget things is by making a list of the things she must do. It is a good method to be organized and so she won't forget anything.

Well, that's all for you. Give my regards to your family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!


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