29 Nov 2016

KEEP IN MIND THESE DATES (Villanueva de Gállego)

Hey guys! How do you do? 

Remember! Next week we won't have class!! (Monday 5th of December there is NO class)

12th December: Exam

19th December: Film

Elementary students: You should revise for your exam...

  • Vocabulary:  the date (days of the week, months of the year and numbers); parts of the house; physical descriptions. 

  • Grammar: To be, have got; there is/there are; present simple (just a little bit)

Intermediate/Advanced students: You should revise for your exam: 

  • Vocabulary: family; working and studying abroad. 

  • Grammar: Present simple and continuous; past simple and continuous; present and past perfect; will; - Conditionals

See you!!!


READING: Hotel Chelsea (Advanced Group)

Hotel Chelsea

To say the Hotel Chelsea has an interesting history would be an understatement. Since the early twentieth century, the hotel has been home to dozens of celebrties. the fame of the building itself pre-dates its fame as a hotel; when it was constructed in 1883 as a block of flats. It was New York's tallest building. It became a hotel in 1095. Although prosperous at first, during a period of maladministration the hotel began to degenerate. It went baknrupt and changed hands in 1939. Its proactive new managers soon got it up and running again hard in the post - war era, its fame grew. 

As a part of the New York astistic scene, the hotel is irreplaceable. Its famous residents have included actors, artists, singers, writers and numerous anti-establishements figures. Frida Kahlo, Jean Paul Sartre, Jackson Pullock, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Madonna and Una Thurman all lived there for a while, and the hotel has been immortalised (and some would say overexposed) in dozens of songs, books and films (The Interpreter). Always a place of non- conformity, the hotel's management sometimes allowed penniless residents to pay for their rooms with artworks, some of which still hand in its lobby today. Its famous residents have found the hotel conductive to creativity, Arthur C Clarke and Jack Kerouac wrote, respectively, 2001: A Space Odyssey and On the Road while living in the hotel, and Madonna used it for a photo shoot for one of her books. Unfortunately, the hotel is also associated with artistic misbehaviour and tragedy. One of numerous examples of wild adventures behind its closed doors, the poet Dylan Thomas collapsed in room 205 of the hotel after partying too hard. He died four days later. 

Text taken from: Speakout. Advanced Student's book. Pearson

READING: Food: Fuel or Pleasure (Intermediate group)

The United States: Alice Freeman is a lawyer from San Diego

A) I think people are trying to improve their diets, but they are doing it the wrong way by following diets like the Atkins diet. Personally, I don't think it's very healthy to cut out entire groups of food like carbohydrates.

B) Not very often. I don't have the time or talent to cook full meals. I usually heat up a frozen meal or order a takeaway. 

C) Sometimes I get fast food for lunch. I have to admit that I love French fries. I feel terrible about it afterwards, but I don't do it very often. 

D) I usually have a bowl of cereal or toast for breakfast. For lunch I eat at a restaurant near my office. I perefer Japanese or Indian food. I usually eat rice with fish and vegetables, soup or sushi. I don't eat meat, but I ear a lot of fish. In the evening, I just have something light at home. 

E) I am trying to cut down on the amount of fat I eat. I'm also trying to eat more wholemeal bread. 

F) Not really. I enjoy certain kinds of food, but most meals are just fuel to keep me going through the day. 

France: Jacqueline Fabre is an IT consultant from Lyons

A) Yes, I cook every evening for my family. I often make soup or traditional French dishes like "boeuf bourguignon", which is a kind of beed and red wine stew, and then we have cheese and salad. It may seem a lot but we don't eat big portions. What's important for me is quality, not quantity. 

B) yes, I'm trying to eat less chocolate. 

C) I think people's diets are getting worse and worse. It's quite strange because we have a lot of information now about how bad fast food is for you. I'm afraid it's a problem in a lot of European countries. 

D) Not at home. I think most of the food I cook is healthy, but occasionally when I eat out I have something unhealthy, but it doesn't worry me. 

E) Yes, definitely. For me good meals with the family make me happy!

F) I'm quite traditional and I have three main meals a day. For breakfast, i like hot chocolate, and bread and butter with honey or jam. For lunch, I often eat in a restaurant with my colleagues. I usually have vegetables and meat ot fish but I love pasta and rice too. In the afternoon, I have fruit with biscuits or a piece of chocolate. In the evening, I have a proper meal with my family. 

Text taken from: New English File. Intermediate Student's book. Oxford. 

24 Nov 2016

Cartoon video WITH SUBTITLES!!: Thanksgiving day

Reading: Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November, but many Americans take a day of vacation on the following Friday to make a four-day weekend, during which they may travel long distances to visit family and friends.

The holiday dates back to 1621, the year after the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts, determined to practice their dissenting religion without interference. After a rough winter, in which about half of them died, they turned for help to neighboring Indians, who taught them how to plant corn and other crops. The next fall's bountiful harvest inspired the Pilgrims to give thanks by holding a feast.

The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition — not only because so many other Americans have found prosperity but also because the Pilgrims' sacrifices for their freedom still captivate the imagination.

To this day, Thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie. Before the meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for their blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.

Text taken from: http://www.usconsulate.org.hk/pas/kids/td.htm


23 Nov 2016

22 Nov 2016

VIDEO: Our childhood memories. Intermediate course

Discussion: Our Childhood memories

Good morning Intermediate Students!

Today we are going to talk about this amazing topic: Our childhood memories. 

Here you can see some of the questions we will talk about in class. 

·       1.   What is your earliest childhood memory? Describe it.
·       2.   What are your best memories of when you were a child? 
·       3.   Was your childhood a happy time? Why/Why not?
·       4.   Do the photos from your childhood show? 
·       5.   What do your parents tell you from when you were a child?
·       6.   Were you told off a lot? What for?
·       7.   What did you enjoy doing as a child? Why? 
·       8.   Did you ever set up any secret groups or societies? 
·       9.   What was your favourite food when you were young? Do you still like it?

·       10. Do you ever talk about your childhood with anybody?
         If yes, what kind of things do you talk about and who with? If no, why not?

       See you later!



Every month the BBC Lonely Planet Magazine runs a photo competition. They ask readers to send in pictures they have on their travels and tell the story behind them.

1. Sangkhlaburi, Thailand: Taking the plunge

"We were in a long boat crossing the Khao Laem reservoir in Sangkhlaburi, close to the Burmese border in Western Thailand, when our driver took us on a detour to Thailand's longest wooden bridge. As he cut the engine and we idled up to the bridge for a closer look, some local boys were enjoying a bombing (diving) competition. When they saw us, they seized the moment to showcase some of their diving and one after the other plunged into the water. We were only there for a few minutes but this impromptu performance remains one of the highlights of my time in Thailand. This shot embodies the spontaneity of the country , and its people's vibrancy"
Alistair McDonald was on a two - week holiday in Thailand.

2. Havana, Cuba: Seeing the light

"The Malecón is a five - mil - long, six - lane sea road, laid out by US Marines from 1901 and fronted by nineteenth - century buildings in various states of disrepair. It is where Habaneros hang out and party at the weekends and is the unique fingerprint of Havana. When I got there, the sun was barely peeping through  the clouds when I noticed a 1950s Pontiac approaching in the distance. I waited until it drew closer before pressing the shutter. For me this photo captures the essence of Havana: a uniquely photogenic city frozen in time for fifty years"

Anthony Mc Evoy was in Cuba for work and a short holiday.

3. Matera, southern Italy: Time stands still

"Nothing could have preparated me for my first sight of the Sassi di Matera. I wasn't sure what to expect from a cave town where the locals live in the same houses as their ancestos did 9000 years ago. I felt like I'd wandered onto a film set. The jumble of stacked cave houses appeared to tumble down a ravine. Adding to the magic of the placee was the fact that I was the only person there and it felt like a ghost town. I left feeling slightly humbled -maybe it was knowing that my hotel room was once a cave dwelling for a family of ten and their livestock!"

Greg Jackson spent his summer holiday last year in Italy.

Text taken from: Speakout. Advanced Student's book. Pearson. 


Good morning Advanced Students!

Here I have uploaded the video we watched last week in class related to our topic: Places. If you want you can watch it again, as it was pretty hard.

See you later!!


13 Nov 2016

EMAIL. SUBJECT: My friend Cristine.- Villanueva de Gállego

From: Mar
To: Stephanie
Subject: My friend Cristine

Hi Stephanie! How are you?
I've just received  your e-mail. Of course I can tell you how she's like...

Cristine is a good friend, lovely and a cautious person. She's married and she has three children. She is tall and she has blond hair. She's very extroverted and she has an open mind.

She likes going to the theatre, to the cinema, and dancing. She has a dance group. She loves travelling and she knows a lot of countries...She also runs.

She dislikes getting up early in the morning, also she's a little bit untidy.

I hope I have helped you!

See you soon!



EMAIL. SUBJECT: My friend Julia .- Villanueva de Gállego

From: Noelia
To: Rubén
Subject: My friend Julia

Hi Rubén.

How are you? I hope you're well. Thanks for your last e-mail. Sorry that I haven't been in touch for a while.

My friend is Julia. She is 19 years old. Physically, she has long brown hair, brown eyes and she is medium height. She usually wears glasses but simetimes uses contact lenses.
She studies at an adult school in Villanueva de Gállego. Sometimes, also she works taking care of children in different places.
I met her in the school when we were little. We went together to the same class in infant education and primary education. Currently, we are still good friends. In fact, she is my best friend.

She is friendly, extroverted, polite, funny, simpathetic,..
Her hobbies are reading books, watching series, listening to music, shopping, dancing,...
In her free time, she goes out with her friends, goes out walking her dog, reads, goes to parties and she helps his brother with his homework and she also cleans the house.

One negative thing about her personality is that she is forgetful. I think she can solve it by writing down all important things in an agenda so that when she won't remember, she will go to revise it.
Another way not to forget things is by making a list of the things she must do. It is a good method to be organized and so she won't forget anything.

Well, that's all for you. Give my regards to your family.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!


EMAIL. SUBJECT: My friend Irene .- Villanueva de Gállego

Hi Estefanía!

Thanks for your e-mail.

Of course that I can tell you about Irene. She's 27 and she works with me. I knew her 4 years ago in the job.

Irene is funny and very sociable. She has a lot of friends and she is always happy even in the worst moments. She is very responsible and hard - working when it's necessary.

She likes going out, dancing at the disco and having coffees with her friends to talk about their matters.

She has a boyfriend but next year they're going to get married. They're living together in Valdespartera and they have a dog called Coco.

I can say only anegative thing, she's lazy and clumsy, but that won't be a problem for you.
I hope that's useful.



EMAIL.- SUBJECT: My friend Marta.- Villanueva de Gállego

From: Mamen
To: Paula
Subject: My friend Marta

Dear Paula,

Thanks for your e-mail.

I can tell you about Marta. She's 26 and she's studying accounting with my friend Esther.
Although she is very friendly she hasn't many friends, because she's a bit immature. She's very generous.

She likes swimming and listening to music. In her free time, she likes walking with her dog. She would like travelling to London.

Her mother died when she was little and she lives with her father.

The only negative thing, she's a bit jealous and impatient. I think she should do yoga.

Best wishes,


EMAIL. SUBJECT: My friend Michelle .- Villanueva de Gállego

From: Susana
To: Britney
Subject: My friend Michelle

Hello Britney! How do you do?
Firstly, thanks for your e-mail.

Of course, I can tell you about my friend Michelle, because she's the most interesting woman that I know!!

She's 37 and she's a lover of her work! Michelle is studying and architecture degree with me in Madrid and she is the best of our promotion. She's mother of two children and her husband is architect too.
Se likes travelling to know new people and organizing fabolous parties in her home at weekends. I think that you can work hard with Michelle. Her English is not brilliant but she's very extroverted... so if I were you I would start to work with her.

Give my regards to your family and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

With love,



Alberto and Beatriz

She is a young girl.
She is a beautiful girl.
She has long waved and ginger hair.
She has got brown eyes.
She has got a small nose.
She has got big lips.
She has got long earrings in her ears.
She is thin.
She is sitting.

Elena and Teresa

He is a man.
He is forty five years old.
He has short brown hair.
He wears glasses.
He has small blue eyes.

Juan Manuel, Rafa and Concha

He is a man. He has got short black hair. He has got a short beard. He is around twenty five years old He has narrow black eyes. He wears a white shirt. He has got big ears. He has big eyebrows. He has big lips. He has beautiful slopes. He is slim. He is one hundred and ninety cm tall.


She's around 40. She's average build. She's a pretty woman. She's oval face. She's slim red lips. Her hair is long straight and black. She's brown eyes. Her neck is long.


Lourdes and Antonio

She is around 25.
Se¡he has black eyes.
She is beautiful and young.
She has big mouth and lips.
She has earrings.
She has light skin.
She is very smart.

María Jesús and Coro

She is a woman.
She is around 20 years old. She is young.
She is tall, slim and beautiful.
She is a sportwoman.
She has long and blond hair.
She has thin lips.
Her eyes are black.
She has a beautiful smile.
She has thirty - one medals of gold.
She has small tooth.
She is Spanish.

Ana I.

She is very beautiful. She has long straight dark brown hair. She has big green eyes, a beautiful nose and a beautiful smile. She has an oval face and a long neck. She wears a red shirt.

Carlos, José Antonio and Mercedes

Her name is Margarit.
She is tall and thin.
She has brown eyes.
She is very happy because she has a cinema ticket.
She has long and waved hair.
She is pretty.
She has a big mouth.
She is young.
She wears a blue dress.
She hasn't got wrinkles.

SONG: Space Odity

Good evening Advanced Students!

This week we are going to start a new unit: Places.

We will talk about the first moon landing, also we will talk about our favourite places and a special trip we've made.

On Tuesday we will listen to a song, that's why I have attached it here, in case you want to watch it beforehand. It's not difficult at all!

See you!! ;) 


Video: Jobs

Good evening Intermediate Students!

We have already started the second unit of the course called "Education and Work". Here you can watch an interesting video that we will work on in class!!

Bye!! :) 


Vocabulary: Inside my house

Good evening Elementary Students!

Here I have attached a picture in which you can find different house items!

I hope you have had a nice weekend! :) 

See you in class!


This is my house .- Reading Comprehension (Elementary Students)


My house is the place where my family lives. I live with my father, my mother and my two brothers. 

In my house there are two floors. In the first floor, there is a small kitchen, a beautiful living room and a toilet. 

In the second floor, there are four bedrooms. My favourite room is my bedroom because it is big. There are two bathrooms too. 

In my house there isn't a garden, but there are four balconies. 

Read the text and answer the following questions

a) Are there three floors in my house?
b) Is there a kitchen in my house?
c) Are there three bathrooms in my house?
d) Is there a garden in my house?
e) What's my favourite bedroom?

4 Nov 2016

Physical descriptions: Elementary Groups

Hey guys!

Here I am going to attach a video in which you can learn more vocabulary related to physical descriptions!

Next week we will work on it as there is an interesting robber physical description.

See you later in class! :)


BBC Video: Francesco's Venice

Good morning Advanced Students!

Today (If we have time) we are going to watch the first part of this amazing video! :)

If you are interested, here I attach you the rest of the videos. 

Francesco's Venice (2/6)
Francesco's Venice (3/6)
Francesco's Venice (4/6)
Francesco's Venice (5/6)
Francesco's Venice (6/6)

See you later in class!!


3 Nov 2016


Hey guys!

This post is just to remember you that today (Thursday 3rd of November) we don't have class.

We will have class tomorrow - Friday 4th of November

  • Elementary: 17:30 - 18:30
  • Intermediate: 18:30 - 19:30
  • Advanced: 19:30 -20:30

See you tomorrow in class!!


Video: A Brave New World